We are offering the opportunity for YOU to be at the heartbeat of the event by joining our volunteer team.

The volunteers play a key part in the event by fulfilling the following roles:


Marshal Services Division.

Marshals: Key activities include providing spectator control along all golf course tee boxes, fairways, crosswalks, and greens. Spot and protect player’s golf shots outside the ropes. Maintain quiet during play. Ensure safe passage of players from the green to the next tee. Assist with course evacuation if needed. Ensure compliance with cell phone/camera rules, advise spectators of designated cell phone areas, gently remind
spectators to keep phones on silent, to be respectful of play and not interfere with players, caddies or media. Depending on your hole assignment shifts begin between 6:15AM to 9:40AM and shifts end after completion of play in your hole. Marshals are encouraged to volunteer for all three days.

Spotters: Spotters will assist fairway operators with locating ball positions and identifying situations where a shot may be obstructed.


Scoring & On-Course Services Division.

Walking Scorers: Scoring volunteers are essential members of the competition team helping record and relay scores on a handheld device. This position will require successful completion of a mandatory training on the days before the tournament. Walking scorers must be comfortable performing basic computer skills and be knowledgeable of golf etiquette/scoring and able to walk 18 holes of a golf course.  Minimum age to be part of this committee is 18 years old. Must be available to work at least three days of official tournament rounds.

Standard Bearers: Volunteers on this committee will be responsible for walking with a designated group of players and posting their scores on a standard. Volunteer needs to be able to carry the standard (weight approximately 5-7 pounds) while walking 18 holes. This position is a great opportunity for teenagers or parents.

Leaderboards: Post scores in manual leader boards for Teams and Individual players.

Product Distribution: Receive, control and distribute pairing sheets, programs, and on course refreshments for use by the players. Receive & distribute supplies for vendors and tournament employees. Requires lifting.

Cart Control & Volunteer Shuttles: Control our inventory of Volunteer Carts making sure these are charged every night. Drive volunteers to/from VHQ to their respective areas.


Tournament & Volunteer Services Division.

Pro-AM: Greet, register & provide information to amateur contestants. Assist with the verification of handicaps, amateur golf bags, pace of play, collecting scorecards and scoring. Distribution and collection of bibs.

Player Shuttle: Shuttle transportation for players and caddies. Must be over 25 years and be able to drive a golf cart.

TV Support: These volunteers work alongside media staff and assist members of the press. This committee requires a 3 full day commitment.

Volunteer Headquarters (VHQ): Maintain volunteer headquarters, provide information, set up, serve & clean-up food/beverages, stock drink coolers, distribute and collect lunch chits. Requires early morning hours.

Uniform Distribution: Help pack and distribute volunteer uniforms and badges prior to tournament week. May also be needed tournament week for late uniform pick-up. Distribute souvenir uniforms to volunteers after completing their three shifts.

Admission & Information: Help greet sponsors, spectators, and guests; scan their tickets and direct all guests to their correct locations. Help answer questions.

Practice Areas: Maintain spectator control & assist players at the practice range & putting green. Ensure compliance with cell phone/camera rules. Collect, sort and distribute range balls & maintain bunkers to the left of range. Marshal walkway from range or practice green to tee or clubhouse.


Volunteer Package

Volunteer Credentials: including a car parking pass for the designated volunteer parking area. Your volunteer credential/badge will give you access to the golf course during the week. A volunteer may NOT give, lend, or otherwise transfer his or her ID badge to any other person. 
Volunteer Uniform: A Volunteer uniform consisting of a polo shirt and a light swestshirt will be provided to you at the beginning of tournament week to use while on active duty. We request that men wear khaki pants or knee length shorts with their uniform, and women wear khaki pants, skirts, capris, or knee length shorts with their uniform.